Current limitations and assumptions

In this section we are going to summarise the assumptions that GeoServer makes as well as the limitations the user needs to be aware of when serving multidimensional data.

ImageMosaic limitations

The ImageMosaic plugin has some limitations when it comes to serving multidimensional data:

  • All the granules grid-to-world transformation must not bear rotation or skew. This means that at the moment only granules with a grid-to-world transformation that is a plan scale-and-translate are supported.
  • Mosaics of NetCDF-supported formats: the dimension attributes should have the same name of the dimension attributes defined in the underlying H2 schema used by the NetCDF reader.

NetCDF limitations

The NetCDF plugin has some limitations when parsing NetCDF files:

  • Only NetCDF files having dimensions following the COARDS convention are supported (custom, Time, Elevation, Lat, Lon).

WCS limitations

As far as the WCS protocol is concerned, the following limitations apply:

  • In case the specified output format doesn’t support multidimensional output (e.g. GeoTiff), only a single granule will be returned using the default values combination illustrated previously.
  • NetCDF output can be created for coverages served only by ImageMosaic and NetCDF.
  • When creating a NetCDF output, coverages should share the same BBOX (Lat/Lon coordinates are common for all granule) so they represent the same area of interest.