Styling Vector Tile Layers in Maputnik

This Section will teach you how to create MBStyle JSON styles with Maputnik, limiting visibility by scale and layer attributes.
This section requires you to have either a server served over HTTPS which can serve layers to the Maputnik online editor or a running the Maputnik instance supplied with the training material at http://localhost:8083/geoserver/www/maputnik/.
  1. Navigate to the Maputnik editor, at either the or http://localhost:8083/geoserver/www/maputnik/.


    The Maputnik Editor

  2. Open a new empty style, we will use our style in GeoServer which will not use other tile sources the Maputnik style editor offers. Background layers are also not supported in GeoServer so there will be no need to add one.


    Click on Open


    Select the Empty Style

  3. We will now add a new source for the states layers


    Click on Data Sources

  4. Select the Vector (XYZ URLs) option from Source Type dropdown list.

  5. We now need to enter the source URL of the layer or layer group we want to use.

    Our source string is


    The source string is built in the following way

    • The Server Address The server we are asking for tiles, in this case from a local GeoServer https://localhost:8083/geoserver/
    • The Service Type we are asking GeoServer to provide, in this case we want a WMTS layer through GeoWebCache gwc/service/wmts/rest/
    • The Layer or Layer Group vector tiles can contain multiple layers, if we supply a WMTS with a single layer that will be used, but if we add a WMTS source created from a layer group we can style each of the layers in the group. The layer is specified as {workspace}:{layer} topp:states
    • The Style We can leave this blank to get the default style for the layer, but in this case we want to use a specific style topp:states-mvt
    • The TileMatrixSet What coordinate system are we querying tiles in? by default Mapunik as well as most web mapping libraries use web mercator/google mercator which are represented by EPSG code 900913 in GeoServer. EPSG:900913
    • The TileMatrix What is our zoom level in the TileMatrixSet EPSG:900913:{z}
    • The TileRow What is our tile’s Y location {y}
    • The TileCol What is our tile’s Y location {x}
    • The Output Format what is the format we want tiles in? If we were using raster tiles this can be an image format, or even if we use WFS GeoJSON but in this case we want MapBox vector tile ?format=application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile

    Add the URL string and click on Add Source

  6. Add the layer to the map, click the Add Layer button from the top left panel, and enter the details of the layer. The ID needs to be unique, and the sources list drops down and allows you to select the source you added. The layer name needs to be copied from GeoServer however, it does not need the workspace name.


    Open the Add Layer menu


    All layers are initialy added with all colors set to black.

We can now style the layer, we will review some of the styling options, mostly those recgnized by GeoServer and learn how to filter the layer, how to select a color by attribute and how to set the visibility of features by zoom level (MBStyle uses zoom level instead of map scale as it is designed for interactive web maps). You will see that while Maputnik allows us to style layers using a graphical interface, in some cases we will have to edit the styling rules according to the MapBox style specification or according to what GeoServer will accept.

Simple Style

We will start with a simple style, simply selecting the fill color, stroke color and opactiy of all the features in the layer.

  1. To set the fill and stroke colors of our layer, as well as its opacity we first scroll down to the Paint Properties section of the style panel.

  2. Set the fill color of the layer to red, either by filling out the text input with #FF0000 or by clicking it and manually selecting the color using the color picker.

  3. Next set the Outline color to white and the opacity to 0.5. Your layer should now look like this.


Filter By Attributes

There are two ways to filter a features by attributes using MBStyle

  • Create a filter for the entire layer, creating a new layer for each filter rule (similar to the way each SLD rule needs a new symbolyzer)
  • Use an expression to determine the value of a property.

Creating A Filter For The Entire Layer

  1. Duplicate the layer using the duplicate button and Change its opacity to 1.

  2. To find the values of the the attribute you want to use for your filter, switch between Map and Inspect mode in the top bar.

  3. Click the state you want to select using the filter rule

  4. In Map mode, go the Filter section of the style panel, and click the Add Filter button.

  5. In the leftmost text input replace name with PERSONS, set the medium input to > (Greater than) and the in the right text input write 10000000. This will leave only the states who have a population larger than 10,000,000.


    The filtered layer (without opacity) over the not filtered layer

You can decide wether to use multiple filters and wether you want every, any or none of the filter rules to control the filtered features.

Filter Using An Expression

Remove the duplicate layer, this type of filtering is meant for use with one layer.
  1. Change the opacity of the layer to 1.

  2. Click the Convert to expression button next to the Color selection input.

  3. In the text input box enter the following expression:

This expression will create three breaks for the data based on the PERSONS attribute. You can learn more about MapBox Style expression at the MapBox Style specification page.

  1. Your map should now see every state with a population of less than 2 Million in green, those with more than 4 Million in blue and every state in between in red.


Limit Visibility By Zoom

Limiting visibility by zoom can be done relatively easily, simply toggle the Min Zoom and Max Zoom sliders.


Zoom levels have a different scale which differs by latitude, at the equator zoom level 0 shows the map at a scale of about 1:500,000,000 and zoom level 20 at a scale of about 1:500. For further reading about web map zoom levels see the OpenStreetMap Zoom Levels page. You can change paint properties based on zoom levels using the “zoom” variable. In the next example we’ll use a zoom function to change the outline color.

  1. Click the Convert property into a zoom function button next to the Outline color selection input.

  2. In the new menu change the first zoom input to 0 and the color to white, this will change the Outline color based on the zoom when you scroll, between levels 0 and 10 the color will be different shades of gray.


Exporting A Maputnik Style

To use the style you just created in GeoServer you need to export it to a file.
Simply click the Export button at top bar and in the new window click Download Style and save it where you can find it later.
Maputnik is a comfortable way of styling your layers with a graphical interface, and can be used to style multiple layers at once as well as create files that can be used as style groups in GeoServer.
In the next section we will create a new style for the states layer and load the MBStyle file into GeoServer.